Giving Back
Floral Park Scholarship Fund
Over the years, Floral Park Neighborhood Association has given tens of thousands of dollars worth of scholarships to local Santa Ana high school or Santa Ana College students. Each student selected has volunteered their time, skills, muscle, and heart to helping others in the community. We have been very fortunate to be able to fund these awards through money generated by last year’s Home Tour ticket sales, our very popular Wine and Beer Garden, our Opening Night Gala Celebration event, and the generosity of private donors.
The application period for 2025 Floral Park Scholarships has ended. Please check back for future Scholarship opportunities.
Community Project Grant
Historic Floral Park is pleased to offer a grant to Santa Ana residents with a plan to benefit their community. We have a total of $5,000 to help fund either one large or several smaller projects and we are particularly interested in student or community-led efforts that need some seed funding to get started or take something to the next level. Ideas can include, but are not limited to, supporting underserved populations including elderly, at-risk youth, or the homeless. Beautification projects, community gardens and neighborhood improvement projects are also welcomed. Applicants must be residents of Santa Ana and the project must directly benefit the City of Santa Ana. This grant is limited to $5,000 max but lesser fund requests are accepted.
The application period for 2025 Community Project Grants has ended. Please check back for future Community Project Grant opportunities.
Charitable Organization Nominations
Floral Park gives generously every year to the local partners who are working for the good of our community. Charities are requested to be nominated by Floral Park residents. Please note that the non-profit must render services specifically in Santa Ana.
The nomination period for 2025 Charitable Organizations has ended. Please check back for future Charitable Organization opportunities.

Below are just a few things your contributions go toward:
- Entrance and exit beautification
- Streetlight and stop sign maintenance
- Local scholarships
- Historic District application process
- Capital improvement projects including tree planting
- Potential business district security project along 17th St.
- Neighborhood events
- Donations to local charities
- Neighborhood web site